Why Buy Our Mask?

- Most masks are not adjustable.
- Most masks either fit you or do not.
- Most masks can only be worn one way.
- Most masks do not stretch, but if they do, they only stretch a little.
- Our mask is completely adjustable.
- Our mask stretches in every direction and the straps stretch too.
- Our mask gives you options to personalize the fit to meet your face, your head, and your needs.
Then once you nail down your most comfortable fit, you can tie a knot and cut off the excess strapping. It leaves you with a fully personalized mask that fits you best.
How to wear the mask?

Pictured above are three options, although there are quite a few more. All three options work well and it is really a matter of personal preference. They are described below.
- TIE EACH SIDE AND WEAR BEHIND THE EARS: most masks just offer this option, which is fine for most. This is the best option if you want a loose fit and having it behind the ears does not other you or if you consider your head to be big or you plan to wear it with a cycling helmet and you want to put the mask and take it off without removing the helmet.
- TIE THE TOP AROUND THE HEAD AND THE BOTTOM AROUND THE NECK: this is the best option for people who want to keep the mask on and around the neck, to then put it up when you need to. It is also a good option for runners and cyclists as in most states and countries, masks are not required while running and cycling unless you are in group of people and you are close to each other.
- TIE BOTH AROUND THE HEAD AND THEN PULL THE LOWER STRAPS OVER THE HEAD: this method was recommended to us by an emergency room doctor who wanted to assure a good seal around the entire face. Notice how much lower the mask sits around the chin. He and his staff wear a level-2 , level-3, or N95 mask inserted into the mask pocket pouch.
Once you nail down your most comfortable fit, you can tie a knot and cut off the excess strapping. It leaves you with a fully personalized mask that fits you best.
Are you having trouble talking with the mask on?
While part of this is just a matter of getting use to it, you may want to consider how tightly you are wearing it. Some people who have had trouble talking with the mask on have found that wearing it upside down, or inside out, or both, or leaving the the bottom strap a little loose, makes it easier.