My favorite wetsuit.
Always like the Desoto T1 wetsuits. He two piece works well for me. More flexible and suits my longer torso and short legs. Great customer service as always.
Cómo usar este gráfico:
Encuentra tu altura y peso en la tabla de tallas. Esto lo reducirá a uno o dos tamaños diferentes.
Bibjohn: Encuentra tus medidas de cintura y cadera en la tabla para tu género. Esta es tu talla Bibjohn.
Pulóver: encuentre las medidas de su pecho y cintura en la tabla para su género. Esta es tu talla de jersey.
OTROS FACTORES:Que usted puede encontrarse en un tamaño diferente de arriba que de abajo; Es muy común con los trajes de neopreno T1. Es muy sencillo, imagínate si te probaras dos trajes de neopreno de una pieza de diferentes tamaños. Te gusta cómo se sienten las piernas y las caderas en uno de ellos, y prefieres cómo se sienten el pecho, los brazos y los hombros en otro. En pocas palabras, esto es lo que ofrecemos combinado con la noción de que dado que las dos piezas no están unidas, sino que se superponen, existe un rango telescópico entre la parte inferior del suéter y la sección media del Bibjohn para dar cuenta de un mayor rango de alturas y longitudes del torso!
Así que recuerda:
Si tiene alguna duda o inquietud, o si desea ayuda más detallada, envíe por correo electrónico la siguiente información (y una foto si cree que puede ser útil) a o (si es mujer y quisiera comunicarme con una mujer).
Una advertencia sobre ciertos lubricantes y su efecto en las telas: muchos lubricantes deportivos, especialmente los no líquidos (como Body Glide, vaselina y cremas de gamuza) funcionan bien para los trajes de neopreno, pero no para la ropa. Tienden a hacer que la ropa, especialmente la ropa holgada, sea pegajosa, en lugar de resbaladiza y resbaladiza, y generalmente provoca rozaduras. También dañarán, mancharán y decolorarán todas las telas con el tiempo. Le desaconsejamos su uso, ya que su uso anulará nuestra garantía.
El First Wave brinda la máxima comodidad y elimina las restricciones que a menudo se encuentran en los trajes de neopreno de una pieza. ¡Esta es la razón por la cual el T1 First Wave es la primera elección de un triatleta!
Tallas: consulte el botón de la tabla de tallas de arriba para obtener una guía de tallas según el género. En caso de duda, envíe sus preguntas por correo electrónico a
El diseño de dos piezas de los trajes de neopreno T1 ofrece más comodidad y menos restricciones. La parte superior e inferior no están unidas. Esto significa que tiene mucha más libertad de movimiento y no hay "estiramiento de la goma del torso" ni fatiga en los hombros que ocurre con los trajes de neopreno de una pieza. Todos los modelos T1 se venden por separado para un ajuste personalizado y personalizado. Con hasta siete tallas de tops y bottoms, tienes 49 combinaciones de tallas posibles para elegir. Otras características que innovamos hace muchos años incluyen escotes más bajos y goma más gruesa en las piernas y caderas para ayudar a flotar los huesos y músculos más grandes del cuerpo. Más flotación aquí significa más velocidad. Los trajes de neopreno T1 no están llenos de trucos, solo física.
Nuevas características:
Las características favoritas permanecen :
El Bibjohn tiene un grosor de 5 mm desde las aberturas ovaladas de los tobillos hasta la entrepierna y los costados de las caderas. Desde esa costura hacia arriba, el Bibjohn tiene un grosor de 2 mm. Esto incluye la sección media alrededor del estómago, la parte baja de la espalda, así como las correas del babero que se extienden por la columna en la espalda y el pecho en el frente. Está diseñado de esta manera para que cuando uses cualquiera de nuestras camisetas T1, el grosor total de la goma sea inferior a 5 mm. Tiene toda la flexibilidad necesaria mientras mantiene la columna vertebral y los órganos vitales calientes. El grosor total también se adhiere a todas las normas de todas las organizaciones gubernamentales nacionales e internacionales que limitan el grosor máximo del traje de neopreno a 5 mm.
Tanto si te gusta nadar para hacer ejercicio como si estás en el curso de natación de un triatlón, los trajes de neopreno T1 te ofrecen velocidad, comodidad y flotabilidad que harán que nadar sea un puro placer.
Always like the Desoto T1 wetsuits. He two piece works well for me. More flexible and suits my longer torso and short legs. Great customer service as always.
Outstanding product
15 years ago my husband bought me my first T1 wetsuit which really helped my swims and transitions as an Elite Triathlete. I LOVED the fit - comfortable around the neck/arms and easy to get off. I was sad that after many years of use I had a few holes on the arm/legs (not many I might add) so bought a new one - wow, extra comfort and great fit with new material used in the T1. Get one if you love swimming in the outdoors and/or compete in triathlons!
I have been using the De Soto T1 wetsuit since the first version came out and this is number 4. Emilio continues to improve these at every version. I've come out of the water either first or second when wearing this suit. It is just exceptional!
Still the only wetsuit worth owning. Nothing else has the ease of movement or quality of manufacture.
I've been using DeSoto wetsuits for over fifteen years. Time and hard use takes it's toll, so a new Bibjohn was in order. No restriction on arms. SWEET.
T1 is definitely water tight. An excellent fit, very comfortable you glide through the water.
As always a quality durable suit. i have several , love them all.
It’s the best suit I’ve owned.
Been racing for 6 years and was generally very pleased with my Aquaman Bionik suit. It’s a great high quality suit. However, the T1 First Wave is in an entirely different class. It’s basically perfect. It doesn’t ride up in the crotch, the arms structure is great for weaker swimmers like me, getting it on before the race is amazingly easy, and getting it off in T1 is shockingly amazing. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to a one piece suit again. Thanks again Emilio and team for crafting such wonderful tri gear.
This was my fourth Bibjohn and easily the best I’ve ever used. Super easy to pull on and off and excellent balanced floatation. Keeps me warm for my cold ocean swims.
Absolutely fabulous! I’ve only been able to test swim in a pool so far. However, paired with my T1 Pullover or my T1 Speedvest the T1First Wave Bibjohn is the finest wetsuit I’ve ever worn, and I’ve owned or tested most! The combo allows for excellent flexibility and a full, easy stroke. Another strength is fast removal. With a little practice removal is swift. I should also mention the easy sizing when buying DSS two piece suits. Two pieces allow a more customized fit. I was concerned about the shoulder straps causing chafing after trying it on dry and bare when it arrived. However, with a race kit on in the water I couldn’t tell the straps were even there. Getcha one!
I have swum in DeSoto’s Black Pearl suit for two years and the Bib John and top were fine but felt a little constraining. I upgraded to the First Wave model and the high quality Yamamoto neoprene makes a significant difference in flexibility and comfort. I have tried several one piece suits and none offers the fit of DeSoto; I’m 6’4” and 175 lbs. when winter comes with 45F water I’ll add the Speed Vest under for extra warmth. Happy with DeSoto products.
Always like the Desoto T1 wetsuits. He two piece works well for me. More flexible and suits my longer torso and short legs. Great customer service as always.
Outstanding product
15 years ago my husband bought me my first T1 wetsuit which really helped my swims and transitions as an Elite Triathlete. I LOVED the fit - comfortable around the neck/arms and easy to get off. I was sad that after many years of use I had a few holes on the arm/legs (not many I might add) so bought a new one - wow, extra comfort and great fit with new material used in the T1. Get one if you love swimming in the outdoors and/or compete in triathlons!
I have been using the De Soto T1 wetsuit since the first version came out and this is number 4. Emilio continues to improve these at every version. I've come out of the water either first or second when wearing this suit. It is just exceptional!
Still the only wetsuit worth owning. Nothing else has the ease of movement or quality of manufacture.
I've been using DeSoto wetsuits for over fifteen years. Time and hard use takes it's toll, so a new Bibjohn was in order. No restriction on arms. SWEET.
T1 is definitely water tight. An excellent fit, very comfortable you glide through the water.
As always a quality durable suit. i have several , love them all.
It’s the best suit I’ve owned.
Been racing for 6 years and was generally very pleased with my Aquaman Bionik suit. It’s a great high quality suit. However, the T1 First Wave is in an entirely different class. It’s basically perfect. It doesn’t ride up in the crotch, the arms structure is great for weaker swimmers like me, getting it on before the race is amazingly easy, and getting it off in T1 is shockingly amazing. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to a one piece suit again. Thanks again Emilio and team for crafting such wonderful tri gear.
This was my fourth Bibjohn and easily the best I’ve ever used. Super easy to pull on and off and excellent balanced floatation. Keeps me warm for my cold ocean swims.
Absolutely fabulous! I’ve only been able to test swim in a pool so far. However, paired with my T1 Pullover or my T1 Speedvest the T1First Wave Bibjohn is the finest wetsuit I’ve ever worn, and I’ve owned or tested most! The combo allows for excellent flexibility and a full, easy stroke. Another strength is fast removal. With a little practice removal is swift. I should also mention the easy sizing when buying DSS two piece suits. Two pieces allow a more customized fit. I was concerned about the shoulder straps causing chafing after trying it on dry and bare when it arrived. However, with a race kit on in the water I couldn’t tell the straps were even there. Getcha one!
I have swum in DeSoto’s Black Pearl suit for two years and the Bib John and top were fine but felt a little constraining. I upgraded to the First Wave model and the high quality Yamamoto neoprene makes a significant difference in flexibility and comfort. I have tried several one piece suits and none offers the fit of DeSoto; I’m 6’4” and 175 lbs. when winter comes with 45F water I’ll add the Speed Vest under for extra warmth. Happy with DeSoto products.
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